
1. 人類以血統為基礎衍生家族,成語則以典故為根組成家族。教育部昨天(12)表示,「教育部成語典」將出於同一典源詞語收錄在一起,讀者除了學習標準型之外,還可參考附條詞語,看看歷代文人的用法,增加成語運用的靈活度。

Human beings have developed families due to their family legacy. As for the Chinese idioms, there are word families based on stories. Yesterday, the Ministry of Education pointed out the Chinese idiom dictionary published by it has collected all the idioms with the same root. Readers can learn from the standard patterns as well as the attached wording. They can also check usages applied by persons in the academic world in the past. The users can boost their versatility on applying those idioms.

2. 協助偏鄉孩子提供課後輔導機會,教育部從95年起推出「數位學伴計畫」,以數位連線方式,由大學生擔任課輔老師,推動以來,獲得了各級學校的肯定,也提升了孩子的學習效能,最新出刊的教育部電子報,特別介紹南投縣合作國小以及高雄市內門國中的具體成果。

To assist children living in remote villages and offer them a chance for after-school classes, the Ministry of Education has promoted a digital learning program from 2006. The program uses high-tech to digitally link the pupils with university students who act as their counselors teaching them school work. After the inauguration of this program, it has been approved by schools of all levels and children’s learning ability has also been boosted. In the latest edition of e-paper from the Ministry of Education, fruitful outcome from He-Zou Elementary School (合作國小) in Nan Tou County and Nan-Men Junior High School (內門國中) in Kaohsiung City are introduced.

3. 兒少法修法引發討論,內政部昨天(12)公布民調指出,有7成9民眾認為,報紙應該比照電影、電視、出版品普遍級的規定,不能出現血腥、色情、自殺、吸毒等細節的文字或圖片;另外有8成4的民眾主張,除了媒體自律之外,政府也應該立法規範,在自律無效的時候,由政府邀請相關團體進行討論裁定。

The amendment for the children and teenagers laws has become controversial. The Ministry of the Interior has announced a survey yesterday and it shows 79% of the locals here believe that just like movies, TV programs or published works that are regulated by the publishing laws, those bloody, pornographic, suicidal, or drug abusive words and/or pictures in the newspapers should also be banned. 84% of the local residents believe that aside from the fact media should regulate themselves, the government should also establish laws to rule the related matters. When the disciplinary methods applied by the media themselves have failed, the government should also invite the related groups to form evaluations.

4. 網路求職陷阱頻傳,為了保障求職者的權益,臺北市勞工局表示,已經要求求職網站、人力銀行,加強管理系統,刊登求職廣告前,應該查核登錄公司的合法性,避免網路犯罪機會。

As internet job application frauds have become prevalent, to protect the job hunters’ right, the Taipei City Department of Labor indicated it has requested the internet for job hunting and the human resource bank to strengthen their management system. Before publishing the job application advertisement, whether the companies registered are legal or not should be examined so that crimes happened on the world wide web will be dwindled.

5. 香港公布一項調查顯示,超過9成的香港民眾,不知道使用針對癌細胞的藥物再配合化療,可以延長癌症末期病人的壽命;另外有將近2成的受訪者,完全不認識任何治療末期癌症的方法。香港專科醫護基金指出,調查反映香港人對癌症治療的認知嚴重不足,需要進一步加強公眾教育。

A survey conduced in Hong Kong shows more than 90% of the residents in Hong Kong do not know the combination of medication against cancer and chemotherapy can extend the length of life for those who suffer from cancer. In addition, nearly 20% of those interviewed do not know any methods in relation to treating cancer patients in the last phase of their life. According to the Hong Kong Specialist Foundation, the survey shows how ill-prepared the Hong Kong residents are in terms of cancer treatment. Therefore, there should be effective education regarding this issue for the residents in the long run.

(2011-06-13 09:30:54 洪秋玉)

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