1. 外界質疑十二年國教實施計畫草案內容,教育部長吳清基表示,十二年國教實施的目的是為了減輕升學壓力,所以先採免試登記,讓大部分學生都能免試入學,只有少部分透過特色招生,最終目標是完全免試,目前十二年國教計畫還是草案階段,教育部不會排斥任何好意見,也會因應各界意見適度調整。
As content of the draft for 12-year compulsory education is questioned by many, Minister Wu from the Ministry of Education said the implementation of the 12-year compulsory education system is to lessen students’ pressure occurred during their educational experience in Taiwan. As a result, a nil registration pathway will be adopted so that most of the students can be exempted from the high school entrance exam. Meanwhile, only a few high schools will recruit their students through the uniqueness of their schools and the ultimate goal is to make all students be exempted from the exam. Since the 12-year compulsory education is merely a draft so far, the Ministry of Education will not exclude constructive opinions from all walks of life and it will make adjustments based on these suggestions.
2. 教育部今年以「父母心、祖孫情」為主題,辦理全國第一次的家庭教育戲劇競賽,昨天(24)舉行頒獎典禮,共有21校獲獎,學生透過戲劇表演呈現家庭倫理和孝道觀念,演出過程也讓學生反省自己和家人之間的關係,更珍惜和家人的相處。
This year, the Ministry of Education held the first family education drama contest under the theme of, dubbed, “Parents’ Heart and Relations in between Grandparents and Grandchildren.” In a ceremony yesterday, 21 schools were awarded with their students performing well in the plays that represent family values and filial piety. During the entire performance, students were given the opportunity to reflect on their relationship with their family members and learn to cherish it.
3. 台北市教育局辦理公立幼稚園及國民小學附設幼稚園教師聯合甄選,將甄選42名教師,初試訂6月12號舉行,複試是7月3號。幼稚園教師聯合甄選初試都是選擇題,考科包括「教育專業知能」及「幼教專業知能」;複試考科為「教學演示」及「口試」。
Educational Bureau, Taipei City Government will recruit 42 kindergarten teachers who will work at the city’s kindergartens. The first phase of the exam will be on 12 June while the second 3 July. In the first phase, all questions asked will be multiple choice questions and subjects tested will be educational and childhood education expertise. In the second phase, subjects tested will be trail teaching and an oral test.
4. 總統馬英九昨天和4年前在梨山long stay的鄉親敘舊時表示,那次在山上,深刻感受山地學校學童雖然有爬不完的山,但沒什麼機會學游泳,山上只有梨山賓館有游泳池;現在梨山賓館正發包準備委外經營,「希望游泳池能夠恢復使用,和學校合作,讓孩子們能夠利用游泳池來學游泳。」
President Ma, during a casual conversation with some locals from Li-Shan whom he had made acquaintance with four years ago during a trip, said he could feel how often and how much pupils in the region need to walk in their daily life. Nonetheless, those pupils do not have the opportunity to learn swimming. The only swimming pool on the mountain is in Li Shan Guest House, which is ready to be under construction by other businesses. President Ma indicated he hoped in the future, Li-Shan Guest House can work with the local schools so that the children can learn how to swim in the pool.
5. 由瓜地馬拉政府和中美洲經濟統合銀行主辦的第一屆中美洲乾淨能源高峰會議,昨天和今天,在瓜地馬拉舉行兩天。瓜地馬拉官員表示,中美洲各國都有豐富的天然資源,有能力推動乾淨能源,並擺脫對石油衍生品的倚賴。在國際油價一再攀高的情勢下,必須推動再生能源。
Held by the Guatemala Government and the Central America Economic Integration Bank, the first Central America Clean Energy Summit began from yesterday and it would last for two days in Guatemala. Government officials in Guatemala indicated natural resources in all the nations in Central America are abundant and these nations are capable to promote the clean energy. That way, people in the region can rid their reliance on oil-generated products. Furthermore, in an era when the price of crude oil is skyrocketing, the promotion of re-generated energy resources is essential.
(2011-05-25 08:39:08 洪秋玉)